Home senior care Velušovce
Found 13
Find a sitter to help the seniors in Velušovce. You can also view the ratings from ther users and the level of verification of the sitters.
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Stanislava Š.
7 €/hour
Stanislava Š.
7 €/hour
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I gained experience in caring for seniors in high school, where we worked in several facilities for seniors. After finishing school, I started working in a neurorehabilitation c...
Balažovičová A.
5 €/hour
Balažovičová A.
5 €/hour
S opatrovaním seniorov mám skúsenosti už od malička kedy som robila spoločnosť babke a dedkovi. Časom som nadobudla skúsenosti a už som chodila aj na nákupy, do lekárne a vybav...
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