  • 27 years
  • Bratislava
  • 28 users have already contacted her
  • Booked repeatedly
  • Activity about 2 months ago
  •  Gymnázium Hansa Selyeho v Komárne
  •  Univerzita Komenského v BA, Prírodovedecká fakulta
  • Years of experience: 3
  • Kindergarden
  • High school
  • Prijímacie skúšky na vysokú školu
  • Admission high school
  • Final exam high school
  • At Student's Location
  • Online video tutoring

Nikoleta M.

10 €/hour

  • 27 years
  • Covid-19 vaccine

About me

Hello! :)
I am a PhD. and RNDr. student at the Slovak Academy of Sciences. I study genetics and molecular biology in oncology.
I already have experience with tutoring, as I tutored during my university studies, and I am currently leading a bachelor's thesis as a supervisor and also lead practical exercises in our laboratories.
I would like to help you prepare for matriculation or entrance examinations (biology & chemistry) and semester exams in various subjects (biology, chemistry; molecular biology, . I also offer the opportunity to absolve SOČ (practical course in laboratories for high school students), which is a great advantage if you are planning to study medicine or natural sciences, e.g. Genetics. I offer tutoring both online and directly in Bratislava.
I would also like to start tutoring younger children and children in elementary school. I have a 5-year-old nephew with hearing disability, so we study a lot at home.
If you interested, do not hesitate to contact me :)


Väčšinou poobede a cez víkend :)

Current calendar is not availaible

Tutoring subjects


Special needs

  Logopedics or help with speech disorders
  Kids with specific learning disorders


Čeština, English, Slovak, and Hungarian



Kurz prvej pomoci som absolvovala pri získaní vodičovského preukazu. Taktiež tancujem, veľa športujem a práve sa chystám robiť certifikát ako lektorka na skupinové tréningy. Ako bonus sa venujem aj výžive ako nutričná poradkyňa.

Where babysit

Primary city: Bratislavský kraj » Bratislava » Bratislava » Bratislava