  • 27 years
  • Bratislava
  • 28 users have already contacted her
  • Booked repeatedly
  • Activity about 2 months ago
  •  Gymnázium Hansa Selyeho v Komárne
  •  Univerzita Komenského v BA, Prírodovedecká fakulta
  •  ironing
  •  cleaning windows
  •  Car cleaning

Nikoleta M.

10 €/hour

  • 27 years
  • Covid-19 vaccine

About me

I am a young, amiable and hyperactive doctoral student at SAS. It is widely known that I am a perfectionist and detail-oriented girl, not only at work or school but also at home. Since my studies require a lot of patience and mental endurance, housecleaning is a form of my personal psychohygiene.
For certain health reasons, I need to make extra money, so I decided to use my "cleaning mania" for this purpose. As a plus, I am also quite fast, which (I think) is also an advantage in terms of cleaning larger spaces or households. If you need help with housecleaning, do not hesitate to contact me :)


Väčšinou poobede a cez víkend :)

Current calendar is not availaible


Čeština, English, Slovak, and Hungarian



Kurz prvej pomoci som absolvovala pri získaní vodičovského preukazu. Taktiež tancujem, veľa športujem a práve sa chystám robiť certifikát ako lektorka na skupinové tréningy. Ako bonus sa venujem aj výžive ako nutričná poradkyňa.

Where clean:

Primary city: Bratislavský kraj » Bratislava » Bratislava » Bratislava