Cat sitting in Šenkvice
Found 26 pet sitters
Are you looking for a sitter for your cat? Discover the world of pets at Hlídač! Choose from a wide range of reliable sitters in Šenkvice who will take care of your cat as if it were their own.
Kristína Š.
Kristína Š.
- Personally verified
I’ve had a good relationship with animals since childhood and have always longed for a dog. Studying abroad didn’t allow me to have one, but I was always the caretaker of dogs, ...
Natália U.
Natália U.
- Document verified
Hello animal lovers :) I have had a good relationship with animals since childhood, and we have always had either cats or dogs. I really enjoy going for walks and playing with a...
Kristína K.
Kristína K.
- Document verified
Hello, I have two guinea pigs and a cat. I have had animals since I was little and I love taking care of them.
Justína M.
Justína M.
- Document verified
Milujem zvieratá, prírodu a rada sa postarám o Vášho miláčika. So mnou sa nudiť určite nebude. Milujem dlhé prechádzky. Mám auto.
Kristína B.
Kristína B.
Ahoj! Volám sa Kristína. Ponúkam prevažne venčenie psov ale po dohode je možné aj stráženie, kľudne aj iných zvierat..😁 Študovala som na SOŠ veterinárnej⚕️🐾 a momentálne pracuj...
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