1 reviews
  • 18 years
  • Bratislava
  • 3 users have already contacted her
  • Activity 2 months ago
  • Response time: 11 hours
  •  Súkromne Gymnázium Felix
  • First Aid Certificate
  • Years of experience: 0
  • Kindergarden
  • Primary school
  • Admission primary school
  • Individual general preparation
  • At Student's Location
  • Online video tutoring

Viktoria Š.

10 €/hour

  • (1)
  • 18 years

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Brian Q.31/05/2024Babysitting - via this platform

Viki babysat for Mia last night it was her time time with a babysitter. Viki was brilliant with Mia ( 2.5 years old) and was available on short notice and even stayed longer than expected. I would happily recommend her to anyone as she is very good with kids and a genuine person.

About me

My love for English began at an early age when I started attending a kindergarten specialized in the English language. However, I took the initiative into my own hands and began reading English literature and improving my vocabulary. I supplemented this by watching films and having conversations with those around me.

My teaching style is very natural and friendly. I believe that children are like sponges and can absorb information quickly if it is conveyed to them correctly. Since I love reading, I would use stories and discussions to create a rich vocabulary, while also adapting my teaching and the topics of our discussions to the interests of my students.


Vikendy a hlavne letné prazdniny s výnimkou krátkych dovoleniek

Current calendar is not availaible

Tutoring subjects

English   English

Special needs



Čeština, English, and Slovak

Volám sa Viktória, mám 17 rokov a som študentkou na Gymnáziu Felix v Bratislave. Som veľkým nadšencom módy, kreatívnej tvorby rôznych výrobkov a športom rozhodne nepohrdnem. Rada varím a pečiem a spolu s tým spoznávam aj nové kultúry a zväčšujem si obzory. Moju kreatívnu stránku by som rada využila pri plánovani ako by som deti zabavila😄. S doučovanim by som nemala najmenší problém z rôznych predmetov. Moje známky sú na vysokej úrovni a veľmi rada pomôžem. Verím, že by som bola vhodná do každej domácnosti a priniesla by som tam pozitívnu energiu a nové zážitky🏠. English version: I have to keep it short because of the word count limit 😅. I like arts and crafts, fashion and a variety of sports. Cooking and baking is also something I enjoy . My creative side would help me figure out fun stuff to do with the kids😁.Tutoring would also not be a problem in many subjects. My grades are at a high level and I would like to help. I believe I would be a good attribute to any household 🏠.


Where babysit

Primary city: Bratislavský kraj » Bratislava » Bratislava » Bratislava