1 reviews
  • 20 years
  • Prešov
  • 13 users have already contacted her
  • Activity 1 day ago
  • Response time: 1 day
  •  Stredná odborná škola pedagogická, Prešov
  • Years of experience: 2
  • Kindergarden
  • Primary school
  • Admission primary school
  • Individual general preparation
  • At Student's Location

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Denisa P.18/04/2023Cleaning

Som spokojna, bezproblemova komunikacia, upratovanie v poriadku.

About me

Hello, my name is Ivana,
I am a recent graduate of the Secondary School of Pedagogy in Prešov with a high school graduation certificate. I studied in the field of teaching for kindergartens and educator. Thanks to regular (simultaneous) and continuous practice during the 4 years of study, I have a lot of experience with children from kindergartens and with students of the first grade of primary schools. I usually have a good positive relationship with children, probably because I am mainly human, empathetic, communicative, willing to help, flexible, I can quickly invent myself in given situations, and I like different kinds of jokes.


môžem najmä cez pracovné dni, čas prispôsobujem vám

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Tutoring subjects

Slovak   Slovak
English   English

Special needs



Čeština and Slovak

Môj jazyk angličtiny je na úrovni B1.

Where babysit

Primary city: Prešovský kraj » Prešov » Prešov

Where am I available too?: Svidník, Prešovský kraj

Podľa možností, cez víkendy viem byť aj vo Svidníku ale cez týždeň som väčšinou v Prešove