Pet sitting Poniky

Found 8 pet sitters

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Sandra B.

4 €/hour 30€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 18 years
  • Selce

Sandra B.

4 €/hour 30€/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Dear pet owners! I've been taking care of animals since I was a child, I started with rodents, later I switched to dogs, cats and reptiles. I am studying at high school focused ...

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Sofia P.

6 €/hour 35€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 21 years
  • Banská Bystrica

Sofia P.

6 €/hour 35€/day
  • Document verified

Greetings heartly, My name is Sofia and just like children, animals are my passion. I really like to spend time with them and take care of them. Since I am a mobile creature, wa...

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Volha T.

6 €/hour 25€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 26 years
  • Banská Bystrica

Volha T.

6 €/hour 25€/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

I adore animals, but since I moved to another country, all my pets remained at home with my family. Unfortunately, in Slovakia, very few landlords allow pets to live in their ap...

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Sarah K.

3.5 €/hour 15€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 19 years
  • Banská Bystrica

Sarah K.

3.5 €/hour 15€/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Hey, I'm Sarah and I study my first year at university. I love to walk dogs from shelter and I would love to take care of your dog too. I myself own a dog with whom I'm going on...

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Hana P.

10 €/hour 20€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 20 years
  • Poniky

Hana P.

10 €/hour 20€/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

My name is Hana, this year I graduated from Catholic high school. I’m 19 years old and I’m looking for a job that would make me happy. I love all animals, I grew up with a dog a...

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Lenka S.

8 €/hour 40€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 23 years
  • Selce

Lenka S.

8 €/hour 40€/day

Zvieratká milujem už od detstva. Okrem pavúkov si nájdem vzťah asi ku každému zvieratku. Mám skúsenosti so škrečkami, vtáčikmi, rybami, hadom, africkými slimákmi, mačkami, psami...

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Sofia C.

6 €/hour 30€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 24 years
  • Kynceľová

Sofia C.

6 €/hour 30€/day

Vitajte na mojom profile. Chovu a stráženiu zvieratiek a hlavne psíkov sa venujem už od detstva. Skúsenosti so strážením mám doposiaľ najmä v rámci rodiny a známych. Doma chovám...

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Lívia K.

7 €/hour 30€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 19 years
  • Bratislava

Lívia K.

7 €/hour 30€/day
  • Document verified

I love animals, especially dogs. I had a Pomeranian, who was like a family member to me – he used to sleep in my bed and was my loyal companion. I adore all animals and always s...

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