- 10 years experience with babysitting
- 46 years
- Veľké Kostoľany
- A 1 parent has already contacted her
- Activity about 1 month ago
- Response time: 30 minutes
- Stredná škola Z.Kodalya Galanta
- First Aid Certificate
- prefers sitting: 20 - 40 hours/week
- I have a place for babysitting
- I can take kids by car
- she can babysit 3 kids
- Birthday parties and other
- Travel for Vacations
- Overnights
- Groups of kids
Daniela Š.
10 €/hour
- 46 years
- 10 years experience with babysitting
Verified e-mail and phone number
Verified address
Verified identity
She passed document verification (ID or DL)
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About me
Vyštudovala som v obore zdravotníctva a po škole som chcela byť detská psychologička, bohužiaľ som v poslednom ročníku odišla. Tento obor som si priala najviac, len bohužiaľ okolnosti mi zmenili všetko.
Momentálne nepretržite
Current calendar is not availaible
General Experience
5 years
5 years
8 years
no experience
4 years
Special Experience
Hyperactivity, Sleep Disorders, and Hearing Impaired
Skills and Hobbies
Singing/playing musical instrument and Dance/physical activity