- 5 years experience with babysitting
- 23 years
- Dubnica nad Váhom
- A 1 parent has already contacted her
- Activity 6 months ago
- Response time: 3 hours
- Obchodná Akademia
- prefers sitting: 20 - 40 hours/week
- I have a place for babysitting
- I babysit at parents' place
- I have a car
- I can take kids by car
- she can babysit 3 kids
Timea Ď.
9 €/hour
- 23 years
- 5 years experience with babysitting
Verified e-mail and phone number
She passed document verification (ID or DL)
check against duplicate registrations · validation date verification
With membership you will get access to the full detail of the verification
About me
Vyštudovala som strednú školu Obchodnú akadémiu v Trenčíne mám 22 rokov. Deti mám veľmi rada a rada sa o ne postarám.
Strážim deti v našej rodine už asi 5 rokov
Rada sa naučím nove skúsenosti
Momentálne pracujem a vo voľnom čase športujem.
General Experience
1 year
3 years
3 years
3 years
5 years
Special Experience
Diabetes and Food Allergies
Čeština and Slovak
Angličtina B2