  • 3 years experience with babysitting
  • 20 years
  • Bratislava
  • She has already been contacted by 10 parents
  • Activity 2 months ago
  •  Bilingválne gymnázium, Stará Ľubovňa
  •  VŠMU, Hudobná a tanečná fakulta, Tanečné umenie
  • First Aid Certificate
  •  prefers sitting: up to 20 hours/week
  •  I babysit at parents' place
  •  she can babysit 10 kids
  •   Birthday parties and other
  •   Travel for Vacations
  •   Groups of kids

Miriam D.

8 €/hour

  • 20 years
  • 3 years experience with babysitting
  • Covid-19 vaccine

She passed document verification (ID or DL)

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About me

My name is Miriam, I'm 19 years old, I graduated from bilingual gymnasium and currently I study dance at University of Performing Arts in Bratislava. I'm a creative person, I actively participate in various projects and volunteering activities. I like to sing, play instruments, read, and try new DIYs. I enjoy horse riding, winter sports and walks in nature.
I am a children's animator in eRko where I've also been responsible for all animators in our parish for the 6th year now. Approximately for the same time I've been also volunteering as an animator on the summer camps. And ever since I can remember I've been taking care and looking after my younger cousins and family friends.
Thanks to these activities, I have had the opportunity to gain valuable experience in working with different children over the years, lead a small as well as a large group of children, learn how to motivate and lead them to personal development through the development of their good qualities and talents as well as basic skills. I always have a big range of various games and creative activities up my sleeve. However, I also like the time when I can just have fun with children, be part of their game and see the world through their eyes.


väčšinou môžem v pondelky, utorky a štvrtky poobede, občas aj piatky a cez víkend

Current calendar is not availaible

General Experience


3 years


3 years


3 years


3 years


3 years

Special Experience

Asthma, Hyperactivity, and Food Allergies

Skills and Hobbies

Singing/playing musical instrument, Drawing, painting, Dance/physical activity, and Sport

Hranie divadla, tvorivé dielne, pohybové hry


Čeština, English, Spanish, and Slovak

Hovorím plynule slovensky a česky, slovenčinu môžem doučovať, z angličtiny som maturovala na úrovni C1 a mám z nej aj Cambridge certifikát na úrovni C2, čiže ju tiež môžem doučovať, mám úroveň B1 zo španielčiny takže viem naučiť základy.


Where babysit

Primary city: Bratislavský kraj » Bratislava » Bratislava