- 4 roky skúseností s opatrovaním detí
- 20 rokov
- Bratislava
- Kontaktovalo ju už 7 rodičov
- Aktívna pred 4 dňami
- Zodpovedá do: 1 deň
- St Bedes School
- Central School of Ballet
- Kurz prvej pomoci
- preferuje opatrovanie: do 20 hodin za týždeň
- Strážim v dome rodiny
- Je ochotná strážiť 5 deti
- Oslavy
- Dovolenka
- Cez noc
- Skupinky detí

Amelia C.
10 €/hod
- 20 rokov
- 4 roky skúseností s opatrovaním detí
- covid-19 vakcína
Prešla overením dokladu (OP alebo VP)
kontrola oproti duplicitným registráciám · overenie dátumu platnosti
S členstvím získate prístup k plnému detailu overenia
O mne
I have been a professional full time Nanny and babysitter for 4 years, as well as working in a Nursery for a year. I have been previously based in London, and have moved to Bratislava to dance with Slovak National Dance Theatre.
I have worked with ages 5months - 13years old, and have experience working with children which learning difficulties. I take a calm approach to everything I do and always to always make the best from every situation keeping my cool and patience. I love working with kids and I am passionate about delivering quality childcare.
I grew up in Surrey with my parents, two younger siblings and a dog. I went to St Bede's school and then Central School of Ballet, where I graduated with a first class BA Honours degree. I also play the Clarinet and Classical guitar and am in grade 8 on both instruments.
Available from 2.30pm weekdays and available weekends
Nemá aktuálny kalendár
Skúsenosti s opatrovaním

4 roky

4 roky

4 roky

detský školský vek
4 roky

4 roky
Skúsenosť so špeciálnymi požiadavkami
Poruchy autistického spektra, Astma, Hyperaktivita, Detské choroby, Alergie na potraviny, Problémy so spánkom a Špeciálne potreby
Spev / hudobný nástroj, Kreslenie, maľovanie, Tanec / pohybová aktivita a Šport
I have worked previously in a London Nursery, therefore I have lots of experience in activities for young children. I have also run holiday camps for children 4-11years, therefor I have experience in activities/sports/games for these age groups.