  • 19 rokov
  • Bratislava
  • Kontaktovali ju už 2 používatelia
  • Aktívna pred 26 dňami
  • Zodpovedá do: 11 hodiny
  •  English International School of Bratislava
  •  Slovak Technical University
  • Roky skúseností: 2
  • Stredná škola
  • Prijatie na strednú školu
  • Záverečná skúška strednej školy
  • Na mieste pobytu študenta
  • Online video doučovanie

Prešla overením dokladu (OP alebo VP)

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O mne

I graduated from the IB program with excellent results: a 7 in Physics HL, a 7 in Psychology, and a 6 in Mathematics (the highest grades) . I have a deep understanding of these subjects and the IB structure, which enables me to effectively help students prepare for exams and improve their knowledge.
Additionally, I have experience teaching English, allowing me to support non-IB students just as effectively. My teaching style is interactive and personalized, focusing on understanding each student’s needs and making lessons engaging.


Fridays all day, Saturdays from 9am-16:00 or 22:30-03:00

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Doučovanie predmetov

Angličtina   Angličtina
Španielčina   Španielčina

Špeciálne potreby

  Domáce úlohy



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