Tutoring Pezinok
Found 7 tutors
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Anna J.
Anna J.
- Document verified
I can do the tutoring of French (level A1,A2) and English (level A1-B2). I am an EMT so I can also tutor biology for the primary and secondary school level, possible preparation...

Kristína Š.
Kristína Š.
- Personally verified
I have experience tutoring English privately for eight years. I have worked with elementary and high school students, grammar school students, and adults. I tutor both online an...

Daniela M.
Daniela M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Dobrý deň, ponúkam konverzáciu v angličtine/doučovanie angličtiny pre žiakov 9. ročníka. 3 roky som chodila na anglické bilingválne gymnázium v Bratislave a posledné 2 roky stre...

Kristína K.
Kristína K.
- Document verified
Hello, I tutor primary school students English and Slovak.

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