Tutoring Všechsvätých

Found 8 tutors

Choose a tutor in Všechsvätých. On each profile, you can view their verification level, read about their tutoring experience, and see other families' ratings.

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Martina S.

6 €/hour  Math  Slovak  Admission high school +2  Final exam high school
  • 25 years
  • Košice - mestská časť Západ

Martina S.

6 €/hour  Math  Slovak  Admission high school  Final exam high school
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

I am a student of geography and geoinformatics at the University of Pavel Jozef Šafárik in Košice. In previous years, however, I passed grades in mathematics, computer science a...

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Sofia L.

7 €/hour  English
  • 20 years
  • Košice

Sofia L.

7 €/hour  English
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

My name is Sofia, and I have been teaching English for over 10 years. Teaching is my passion, and I believe that the best way to master a foreign language is through fun and pra...

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Emma U.

9.5 €/hour  English  Admission high school
  • 18 years
  • Valaliky

Emma U.

9.5 €/hour  English  Admission high school
  • Document verified

I offer piano lessons for adults who want to learn or improve their skills. You can choose to learn chords, sheet music, or basic music theory. I adjust each lesson to your need...

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Sofia M.

10 €/hour  English  Admission high school  Final exam high school
  • 19 years
  • Košice

Sofia M.

10 €/hour  English  Admission high school  Final exam high school
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

I have experience in totoring english for 2 years, my english level is C1 after finishing grammer school.

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Lucia M.

10 €/hour  Math  Slovak
  • 25 years
  • Košice

Lucia M.

10 €/hour  Math  Slovak
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Mám skúsenosti s doučovaním a učením nakoľko som učiteľka na základnej škole a zároveň pracujem ako špeciálny pedagóg takže mám skúsenosti aj s rôznymi poruchami učenia pripadne...

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Martina T.

15 €/hour  Math
  • 32 years
  • Košice

Martina T.

15 €/hour  Math

Rada pomôžem s doučovaním matematiky od základneho stupňa, až po vysokoškolský. Matematiku milujem, nakoľko som ju vyštudovala a získala v nej titul PhD. Ku každému pristupujem ...

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Richard G.

4 €/hour  Math    English +2  Admission high school
  • 18 years
  • Košice

Richard G.

4 €/hour  Math    English  Admission high school
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Mám skúsenosti s doučovaním matematiky, slovenčiny, angličtiny. V mojej rodine sú deti, ktoré študujú základnú školu a ktorým pomáham s učením. Študujem zdravotnícku školu, čiže...

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Elena T.

15 €/hour  Math  Admission high school
  • 49 years
  • Košice

Elena T.

15 €/hour  Math  Admission high school
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Som učitelka matematiky na druhom stupni ZŠ. Doučujem matematiku pre ZŠ, SŠ a VŚ. Cena je 15 Eur/60 min pre ZŠ, SŠ sidlisko Nad Jazerom. Cena pre VŠ a online je dohodou.

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