- 29 years
- Nitra
- 27 users have already contacted her
- Activity 2 months ago
- Gymnázium sv. Moniky, Prešov
- Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa, Filozofická fakulta, Editorstvo a vydavateľská prax
- Years of experience: 7
- Primary school
- High school
- Admission high school
- Admission primary school
- Final exam high school
- At Student's Location
- Online video tutoring

Alžbeta K.
10 €/hour
- 29 years
About me
I have experience mainly in tutoring Slovak language and literature for matriculation exams, admissions, etc. I try to instill in students a love for this subject so that they learn it with joy, because I think it's all about attitude. I also have experience in teaching students with special needs, learning disabilities...I can also tutor chemistry and biology, which were my graduation subjects and I am still fascinated by them to this day, as well as playing the guitar.
Cez školský rok môžem nonstop.
Current calendar is not availaible
Tutoring subjects

Special needs
Kids with specific learning disorders
Čeština, English, Deutsch, and Slovak
Nemecký jazyka B2. Česky rozumiem, ale neviem správne rozprávať. Anglicky B1.