Pet sitting Ružomberok
Found 24 pet sitters
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Tatiana Ľ.
Tatiana Ľ.
- Document verified
Milí majitelia zvieratiek, som neskutočne rada, že si čítate môj profil. Som absolventka strednej zdravotníckej školy a študentka filozofickej fakulty na Katolíckej univerzite v...
Tatiana K.
Tatiana K.
- Document verified
Zdravím všetkých milovníkov zvierat. Ak ste rovnako "šialený" čo sa týka zvierat,tak ste na dobrom mieste 🙂. Momentálne s nami v domácnosti žije psík,dvaja kocúrovia a jedno paž...
Alexandra K.
Alexandra K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Personally verified
Greetings, I offer to guard or look after your animal friends. From the age of 15, I took care of my German Shepherd and gradually several cats that passed through our house. I ...
Dominika M.
Dominika M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Hey! My name is Domina and animals have been around me (and me around them) ever since I can remember. They were mostly dogs, but there were also cats here and there. For 12 yea...
Martina V.
Martina V.
- Document verified
dobry deň o zvieratka sa staram už dlho mala som ich niekolko škrečky zajačiky psikov mačičky a aj rybky,… momentalne nevlastnim žiadne zvieratko ale túžim po ňom