Pet sitting Bratislava - Staré Mesto
Found 226 pet sitters
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Natália S.
Natália S.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Regards :) My name is Natália, I am 30 years old, I graduated in social work and I am currently working as a marketing specialist in one of the TOP 3 recruitment agencies in Slo...
Alexandra G.
Alexandra G.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Dear pet parents, welcome to my profile :). I already have some years of experience with caring for pets, at my age. At the moment we have 3 dogs in our care, 1 small adoptee, a...
Viktória Š.
Viktória Š.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Hi, my name is Viki, welcome to my profile! I've been taking care of hamsters, fish, and I've had a dog for past 9 years. I've got experience with dogs, cats, I can take them fo...
Dominika M.
Dominika M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Hey! My name is Domina and animals have been around me (and me around them) ever since I can remember. They were mostly dogs, but there were also cats here and there. For 12 yea...
Viktória Š.
Viktória Š.
- Personally verified
V našom rodinnom dome bolo vždy živo a plno :) 12 rokov bol Nort, nemecký ovčiak, ktorý bol verným, inteligentným a vyšľachteným plemenom, členom našej rodiny. S veľkou záhrado...
Patrícia Š.
Patrícia Š.
- Personally verified
Milí mačací ochráncovia, volám sa Patrícia a som milovníčka mačiek, samozrejme mám rada aj psov, ale mačky majú k môjmu srdcu o mačací chĺpok bližsie.😸 Mojím chlpatým klbkom je ...
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