Pet sitting Bratislava - Karlova Ves
Found 85 pet sitters
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Alexandra K.
Alexandra K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Personally verified
Greetings, I offer to guard or look after your animal friends. From the age of 15, I took care of my German Shepherd and gradually several cats that passed through our house. I ...
Katarína T.
Katarína T.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Dear pet owners, I am an animal lover and dog owner and I would love to take care of your fur-baby (or bird or fish one:-)) I can visit homes nearby or take in a small animal or...
Dominika J.
Dominika J.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Hej! My name is Domča. I love animals and I can say that I even search for their company. I have 3 dogs and 8 cats myself at home and other than that I also had sheep, rats and ...
Patrícia Š.
Patrícia Š.
- Personally verified
Milí mačací ochráncovia, volám sa Patrícia a som milovníčka mačiek, samozrejme mám rada aj psov, ale mačky majú k môjmu srdcu o mačací chĺpok bližsie.😸 Mojím chlpatým klbkom je ...