Pet sitting Lúčka
Found 23 pet sitters
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Katarína R.
Katarína R.
Ahojte, som 21 ročne dievča, ktoré miluje zvieratká. Sama vlastním psíka, mačičku a akváriové rybky. S veľkou radosťou a láskou Vám postrážim vášho psíka alebo mačičku :) Vyvenč...
Vanessa V.
Vanessa V.
- Document verified
I am a veterinary student who would like to fill my free time with pet sitting. I’d love to offer pet-sitting services, as I have a solid understanding of animal care. My studie...
Kristína M.
Kristína M.
- Document verified
Hi. Hi. I can take care of your pets at your place, but also at my home. I have 4 cats, a small dog and 2 guinea pigs. So the pet would need to be used to the types of these ani...
Magdaléna K.
Magdaléna K.
- Document verified
Dear pet owners. My name is Magdalena and I literally love animals. I can imagine working with a dog, a cat, which I would like to take care of and watch over at your home. I ha...