Pet Sit Photos
- 35 years
- Bratislava
- 5 users have already contacted her
- She sends photos from pet sitting.
- Activity 3 months ago
- Response time: 2 hours
- ZSPŠ, Trnava
- UCM, FMK, Trnava
- Overnight stay at dogs (cats...) home
- Visit & play
- Dog walking
- Small (up to 5kg)
- Medium (up to 25kg)
- Big (up to 40kg)
- Junior
- Adult
- Senior
- I have no cat
- I have no dog
- I have no children 6-12
Daša U.
4 €/hour
- 35 years
Personal interview
more about Verification centers and verification processClean criminal record, ID archived
Verified education and certificates
UCM Trnava, Masmediálna komunikácia (magister)
With membership you will get access to the full detail of the verification
About me
Milí majitelia domácich miláčikov. Od malička milujem mačičky a psíkov, ale aj iné zvery :) Kedysi som mala mačku Micu a morské prasiatko. Momentálne zvieratko nemám a ich spoločnosť mi chýba. Preto by bolo pre mňa potešením postrážiť to Vaše.
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