Cleaning and ironing lady in Dubnička
Found 44 cleaners
Are you looking for a cleaning lady who will also iron for you in Dubnička? Discover the world of cleaning at Hlídač Choose a cleaning lady who will not only clean your home, but also help you iron your clothes.
Michaela V.
Michaela V.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Hi, I have a lot of experiences with cleaning services at office, new buildings and at home as well. I am responsible, flexible and always on time. I am looking for job opportun...
Gabriela Č.
Gabriela Č.
- Document verified
Cleaning is my daily duty, whether at home or at work, which I fulfill conscientiously. I have experience with cleaning as a maid in a hotel. I am in charge of activities such a...
Michaela R.
Michaela R.
- Document verified
S upratovaním sa stretávam takmer denne.Mám sķúsenosti aj s penziónmy.Čistotu mám veľmi rada takže vám viem pomôcť s upratovaním domácnosti. Ako vysávanie,pranie,utretie prachu,...
Margaréta M.
Margaréta M.
- Document verified
I´m interested into cleaning servise. I enjoy cleaning. I live in dormitory and it is normal for me to clean my room, washing dishes or cleaning the floor. I don´t have problem ...
Michaela K.
Michaela K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I clean my house every day. I like order and cleanlines an Im very precise about it. I dont have problem with any kind of hauswork like vacuuming, dusting, cleaning bathroom an...
Paulína K.
Paulína K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Vitajte na mojom profile. Moje meno je Paulína a upratujem samozrejme u nás doma a ešte mám skúsenosti s upratovaním kancelárskych priestorov. Rada u Vás utriem prach, povysávam...
Martina V.
Martina V.
- Document verified
Mám skúsenosti s upratovaním domácností, kancelárii. Rada Vám poupratujem Vašu domácnosť s vašimi čistiacimi prostriedkami. Nie je problém pustiť práčku, umývačku, žehliť a umýv...
Daniela Z.
Daniela Z.
- Document verified
S upratovaním sa stretávam denne doma ale mám skúsenosti aj s upratovaním v domacnostiach.U Vás doma viem upratať od vysávania,umytia podláh,utretia prachu,umytia kupelní a toal...
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