Home cleaning Bratislava - Nové Mesto
Found 80 cleaners
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Patrícia B.
Patrícia B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Offering services with an emphasis on detail and cleanliness. I will help you with cleaning each corner, ironing, window washing, dog walking or car cleaning. I have 2 years of ...

Michaela K.
Michaela K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Personally verified
Dobrý deň, volám sa Michaela. Orientujem sa na upratovanie domácností ale aj nebytových priestorov. Moja doterajšia prax zahŕňa činnosti ako je vysávanie, zametanie a umývanie ...

Magdaléna B.
Magdaléna B.
- Document verified
I clean my house several times a week, I have experience with various household chores. For example, vacuuming, polishing mirrors, washing windows, dusting, washing dishes and a...

Sidónia K.
Sidónia K.
- Personally verified
Mám zmysel pre čistotu a poriadok. S upratovaním a bežnými domácimi prácami sa stretávam každý deň. Mám skúsenosti s upratovaním domácností aj kancelárií. Snažím sa dbať na deta...

Mariana K.
Mariana K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I clean the house and clean the windows. I am precise and have a sense of order. I have also cleaned in hotels and in many households and they are always satisfied.

Terézia Z.
Terézia Z.
- Document verified
Hello. Cleaning is my favorite relaxing activity. In addition to my experience at home, I also have experience cleaning guest cottages for the "royal family" in Scotland. There,...

Terézia M.
Terézia M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Apart from the fact that I clean at home I have worked for 3 years as a cleaner at a local language school, so I also have experience in cleaning office or company scapes.

Víkendy väčšinou nemôžem, ale vieme sa dohodnúť ak by išlo o dobrú ponuku.