Home cleaning Partizánske - Šípok
Found 27 cleaners
Find a cleaning lady in Partizánske - Šípok. You can also view the verification level of each helper and, above all, see how other users rate her.
Martina Č.
8 €/hour
Martina Č.
8 €/hour
- Document verified
I offer cleaning services for homes, offices or other spaces. I have experience in cleaning and always pay attention to details. What do I offer? Regular cleaning (dusting, vac...

Veronika G.
10 €/hour
Veronika G.
10 €/hour
Doma sa venujem upratovaniu každý deň a mám skúsenosti aj s upratovaním firemných priestorov, bytov, domov. Ponúkam bežné upratovanie domácnosti, žehlenie, umývanie okien prípad...

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