Cleaning and babysitting lady in Trnava
Found 14 sitters
Looking for both babysitting and cleaning services? Explore the best of both worlds at Hlídač Choose from a variety of trusted babysitters in Trnava who can assist with childcare and cleaning – all in one! Plus, it’s rewarding too!
Kristína K.
Kristína K.
- Document verified
Briefly, i’ve always been close to children because of my playful and energetic personality. Im tapped into my inner child and I think thats the reason why I feel so comfortable...

Michaela A.
Michaela A.
- Covid-19 vaccine
My name is Michaela, and caring for others comes naturally to me. I have three siblings, which has taught me patience, responsibility, and a nurturing attitude from an early age...

Alžbeta Ď.
Alžbeta Ď.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Som študentkou na vysokej škole. Môj rozvrh je vysoko flexibilný, preto si rada nájdem čas na stráženie detí. Od malička trávim s deťmi mnoho času. Dokážem deti rozosmiať, zabav...

Jasmína Z.
Jasmína Z.
- Document verified
I am a student at the Secondary Pedagogical School of Blessed Laura in Trnava. I have experience with guardianship, because I am helping my neighbors and my family since I was a...

Karolína B.
Karolína B.
I’m student at school Private secondary vocational school for the protection of persons and property.Between our subjects We have fight art . I’m so glad that I have these subje...

Bernadeta J.
Bernadeta J.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Ahoj, volám sa Bernadeta a ponúkam stráženie detí. Študujem na pedagogickej fakulte v Trnave, takže mám skúsenosti so starostlivosťou o deti a viem im vytvoriť bezpečné a príjem...

Martina H.
Martina H.
- Document verified
Volám sa Martina,študovala som na SoU Pat... Momentálne pracujem ako asistentka v remeselnicko-umeleckej firme.Mam rada deti,samozivitelka 4 dievcat.Som starostlivá a zodpovedná...

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