- 9 years experience with babysitting
- 29 years
- Bratislava
- She has already been contacted by 14 parents
- Booked repeatedly
- Activity about 20 hours ago
- Gymnázium, Poprad
- Univerzita Komenského, PRIF
- prefers sitting: up to 20 hours/week
- I babysit at parents' place
- she can babysit 2 kids
- Birthday parties and other
- Groups of kids

Klaudia K.
12 €/hour
- (3)
- 29 years
- 9 years experience with babysitting

Personal interview
more about Verification centers and verification processClean criminal record, ID archived
Verified education and certificates
Univerzita Komenského v Bratislava (bc.)
With membership you will get access to the full detail of the verification
Martina H.26/02/2025Babysitting - via this platform
Klaudia stráži môjho 3 ročného synčeka, pravidelne už 2 mesiace. Sme s ňou veľmi spokojní, synček si ju veľmi obľúbil a teší sa na ňu. Je empatická, mimoriadne vnímavá k detským potrebám, hravá a zároveň pokojná a trpezlivá. Má cit, zručnosti a skúsenosti pre túto prácu, preto ju nemusíte dlho zaškoľovať do zvyklostí dieťatka. Je to skvelý človek.
Soňa K.19/01/2025Cleaning
Klaudia nám poupratovala celý dom. Bola veľmi precízna v upratovaní, milá a ochotná zostať aj dlhšie, ako sme sa dohodli. S jej prácou som bola veľmi spokojná a určite ju oslovím aj v budúcnosti. Takziež bolo vidieť, že má veľmi pozitívny vzťah k deťom a je pri nich veľmi trpezlivá a priateľská. Môj 1,5 ročný syn si ju okamžite obľúbil. Jej služby určite odporúčam.
Alica S.07/01/2025Cleaning
Veľmi veľmi milá, príjemná a spoľahlivá dáma, rozhodne s nami ostane aj v budúcnosti:) som veľmi spokojná!
About me
I would like to offer you my experience and skills in childcare. I have completed a Bachelor's degree in Biology and Geography Education at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava. During my studies, I also gained practical experience.
I have experience with individual childcare, including looking after a 1.5-year-old boy named Alanko, two sisters (6-year-old Sára and 3-year-old Sofia), 3-year-old Šimonko, 1.3-year-old Vinci and his 3-year-old sister Vivi, 2-year-old Zoja, and 2.5-year-old Leuško. I have also cared for two sisters (ages 2 and 4) at the same time and occasionally their 1-year-old brother. My experience also includes occasional babysitting of my boss's granddaughter in New Zealand, which helped me improve my communication skills in English.
At the Community Center, I led a group for children aged 2-5 years. This allowed moms to take care of their duties, and they greatly appreciated the service.
I also have experience working in a kindergarten, where I cared for children aged 1.5 to 6 years old. Different age groups are a challenge for me, and I enjoy adapting to their individual needs and abilities.
Additionally, I was a group leader for 22 girls aged 4-7 years at a children's camp, where I was responsible for organizing activities and ensuring their safety.
I also worked as a school educator in a primary school, where I was responsible for 26 children.
I am responsible, patient, and flexible, ready to adapt to the needs of children and provide them with a safe, loving, and educational environment. If you are looking for a reliable and experienced person to care for your children, you can definitely count on me.
Calendar last updated before 5 days
General Experience

4 years

8 years

5 years

4 years

9 years
Special Experience
V škole kde som pracovala ako vychovávateľka, som mala možnosť objaviť u jedného môjho žiaka neurologické ochorenie. Chlapček mal pohybové tiky a správal sa inak ako ostatné deti. Spolužiaci ho začali vylučovať z kolektívu a ja som začala hneď konať. Zavolala som našu pani psychologičku a práve ona uňho objavila Tourettov syndróm.
Skills and Hobbies
Dance/physical activity and Sport
Rôzne edukatívne hry
Reviews Hlídačky.sk
Klaudia má bohaté skúsenosti s opatro...