- 18 years
- Podunajské Biskupice
- 61 users have already contacted her
- Activity 3 days ago
- Response time: 3 hours
- Umelecká škola ( maskérka ) Bratislava
- ironing
- cleaning windows
- Car cleaning

Kristína H.
8 €/hour
- (1)
- 18 years
- Covid-19 vaccine
She passed document verification (ID or DL)
check against duplicate registrations · validation date verification
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About me
Dobrý deň ! 🌼
Volám sa Kristína a veľmi rada mám vo veciach poriadok….takže upratujem každý deň a naozaj do detailov 😅. Podla môjho názaoru sa na upratanom mieste vždy pracuje lepšie a nemáte okolo seba toľko rozptýlenia. S upratovaním mám aj pár skúsenosti mimo našej domácnosti. Pomáhala som v hoteloch či v pár rodinách. A veľmi rada by som pomohla aj Vám !😊
Nerobí mi žiaden problém popri uprataní vyvenčiť psíka, alebo postrážiť dieťatko. 🤍
Ďakujem za prečítanie a prajem krásny deň !🌼
Väčšinou môžem celý týždeň 😊
Current calendar is not availaible
Čeština and Slovak
Diego R.22/10/2022Pet care
Kristína and her boyfriend looked after our dog Miky today while we were out of town with my partner, and I can say that I'm absolutely satisfied. They have three other lovely and playful dogs, and Miky had a wonderful time playing with them.
When I picked Miky back up, I could see that he was really satisfied (and tired :D). Also, throughout the day, she sent a lot of cute pictures and videos to assure me that everything was okay.
I would give 10 stars if I could!